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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Klepon Ubi Ungu - Indonesian Traditional Snack

Klepon is one of Indonesian traditional snacks
I've just recently found out that it is not only found in Java, but also in Bali and Sumatera.
It's called onde-onde in Sumatera (onde-onde in Java is the name to another different snack).

Klepon is made of sticky rice flour.
Its shape is like marble, It is usually green in color but since I used different ingredient (purple sweet potato), it's purple.

Klepon is soft with savory and sweet taste. Since klepon has liquid coconut sugar inside and grated coconut outside.

Klepon adalah makanan kesukaanku dari kecil.
Agak susah ditemukan di sekitar tempat tinggalku sekarang, tetapi sangat mudah ditemukan di Jogja.
Biasanya warnanya hijau , karena menggunakan daun suji, tetapi hari ini aku ingin menggunakan ubi ungu yang aku kukus tadi pagi, warna ungunya menarik hati.
Aku menggunakan resep di blog mbak Hesti

Bahan / Ingredients :
- 150 gr tepung ketan (150 gr sticky rice flour)
- 150 gr ubi ungu kukus (dihaluskan) (150 gr steamed purple sweet potato)
- sejumput garam halus (a pinch of salt)
- air secukupnya sampai bisa dipulung (aku tadi menggunakan sekitar 125 ml air hangat) (125 ml warm water)
- gula merah, sisir halus (aku pakai sekitar 50 gr) (50 gr of sliced coconut sugar)
- 1/2 biji kelapa (kukus dengan sedikit garam dan daun pandan) (grated coconut, steam with a pinch of salt and pandan leaf)

Cara membuat:
- Campur tepung ketan dan garam, aduk rata
- Uleni dengan ubi ungu kukus
- Tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit, sampai dapat dipulung
- Pulung dan bulatkan seperti kelereng dan isi dengan gula merah
- Didihkan air dalam panci, masukkan bola bola dan saat mengapung angkat dan tiriskan
- Hangat hangat, gulingkan di parutan kelapa dan hidangkan

- Mix sticky rice flour and salt, and knead with mashed sweet potato
- Gradually add warm water until the dough is formed
- Shape the dough into small balls as big as a marble
- A small piece of sliced coconut sugar is filled into each balls
- Boil it and after all the marbles are floating, drain the marbles
- Klepon is ready to serve with grated coconut sprinkled on it

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