Biscotti aslinya berasal dari Italia. Biscotti dari bahasa Latin yang artinya dipanggang dua kali karena cookis ini memang dipanggang dua kali untuk membuat mereka kering dan crunchy. Biscotti pertama dibuat untuk makanan tentara Romawi dan orang yang selalu dalam perjalanan. Saat ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan cookies ini bisa dicelupkan dalam kopi atau coklat hangat untuk melunakkan sebelum menyantapnya.
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Biscotti is originally from Italy, the term "biscotti" comes from the Latin for "twice baked" because the cookies must be baked twice to make them dry and crunchy. The first biscotti were made as a portable and durable food for Roman soldiers and travelers. Currently, many people prefer to dip biscotti in coffee or hot chocolate to soften them before eating them.
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Bahan / Ingredients:
- 125 gr mentega tawar dingin (125 gr butter)
- 200 gr gula tepung (200 gr sugar powder)
- 2 butir telur (2 eggs)
- 50 gr almond bubuk (50 gr almond powder)
- 1/4 sdt essen almond - aku skip (1/4 tsp almond essence)
- 320 gr tepung terigu protein rendah (aku tambahkan 7,5 gr bubuk kayu manis) (320 gr flour + 7,5 gr ground cinnamon)
- 25 gr susu bubuk (25 gr milk powder)
- 1/2 sdt baking powder (1/2 tsp baking powder)
- 100 gr almond slice (aku tambahkan 40 gr kismis juga) (100 gr almond slice + 40 gr raisin)
Cara membuat / Method:
- Kocok mentega tawar dingin dan gula tepung 2 menit sampai lembut (Using hand-held electric mixer, beat butter and sugar in medium bowl until very thick and fluffy, about 2 minutes)
- Tambahkan telur satu persatu sambil dikocok rata (Add egg one by one and beat till all mix well)
- Masukkan almond bubuk dan essen almond. Aduk rata. Tambahkan tepung terigu, susu bubuk, dan baking powder sambil diayak dan diaduk rata. (Sift flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt into egg mixture and blend well.)
- Masukkan almond slice dan kismis. Aduk rata. Bentuk oval (seperti setengah bolu gulung) letakkan di loyang yang dioles margariine. (Mix in raisins and almonds. Lightly grease heavy large baking shee. Spoon dough onto prepared sheet to form wide log.)
- Oven dengan suhu bawah 180 C selama 25 menit. Angkat dan dinginkan . (Bake until log just begins to brown and feels firm to touch, about 25 minutes at 180 C. Cool cookie log on sheet 15 minutes.)
- Iris iris miring. Letakkan di loyang tanpa dioles. Oven lagi 40 menit dengan suhu 150 C sampai kering (Transfer cookie log to work surface. Using serrated knife, cut crosswise into 1 cm wide slices. Arrange slices on same baking sheet. Bake 40 minutes at 150C. Cool cookies completely on baking sheet (cookies will become very crisp)