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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lepet Jagung - Indonesian Traditional Food

Teringat kembali lepet jagung, waktu beberapa bulan lalu jalan-jalan ke Solo.

Rasa jagung dan parutan kelapa yang gurih membuat satu bungkus tidak cukup.
Membuat jajanan ini sangat mudah, campur campur campur, lalu bungkus.
Yang susah termyata membungkusnya :-)

Reminded of the lepet jagung when I went to Solo a few months ago, I thought of making it myself. The corn and the grated coconut was savory, having only one piece of this snack is not enough. Actually, it's really easy to make the snack, you only need to mix and wrap, however, the wrapping process itself requires patience since it's really hard to wrap it well.

Resepnya aku ambil dari blog Bunda DhafGhasz.
Ini adalah satu satunya resep yang menggunakan santan kental, jadi sepertinya lebih enak dari resep yang lain.

I took the recipe from Bunda DhafGhasz's blog.
This was the only recipe that uses coconut milk, so it is most likely to taste better than other recipes.

- 500 gr jagung manis (diparut).
- 250 gr kelapa parut.
- 100 ml santan kental
- 50 gr tepung maizena
- 1 sachet vanili
- 70 gr gula pasir
- ½ sdt garam
- bahan kulit jagung untuk membungkus

- 500 g sweet corn (grated).
- 250 gr grated coconut.
- 100 ml thick coconut milk
- 50 gr cornstarch
- 1 sachet of vanilla
- 70 grams sugar
- ½ tsp salt
- Corn husk to wrap the lepet

Cara Membuat :
1. Campur semua bahan jadi satu, aduk rata.
2. Ambil selembar kulit jagung, lalu letakan 2 sendok makan adonan, bungkus seperti membungkus tempe kemudian tali dengan kulit jagung yang disuir. 
3. Lakukan sampai adonan habis, kukus selama kurang lebih 30 menit atau sampai matang.
Lepet jagung siap disantap. 

How to Make:
1. Mix all ingredients together and stir well.
2. Take a piece of corn husk, then put 2 tablespoons of the mixture, then wrap like tempe, tie it with shredded corn husks.
3. Do it until the mixture is finished, steam it for about 30 minutes or until cooked.

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