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Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I like lasagna especially when the cheese is melted perfectly, soft pasta and  juicy bologneise sauce.
I found this recipe at Camelia@home.

Look at the picture, cheese are melted everywhere, not only the bechamel sauce (cheese sauce), but also from the mozarella cheese that covers the lasagna.
This is exactly what I was looking for.

Here is the recipe

Saya suka lasagna yang sangat ngeju, pastanya lembut dengan sauce bolognese yang juicy.
Dan akhirnya saya menemukan yang pas di blog Camelia@home.

250 gr Lasagna instan

Saus Daging (Bolognese Sauce):
- 500 gr daging giling/cincang (500 gr mincemeat)
- 1 bh bawang bombay ukuran sedang, cincang kasar (aku potong kotak kecil) 
(1 pc onion, diced)
- 1 siung bawang putih, keprek, cincang halus (
1 pc garlic, diced)
- 5 bh tomat buah ukuran besar, kupas kulit, buang biji, cincang kasar (aku potong kotak kecil) (5 pc big tomato, skin peeled, seeded and roughly chopped)
- 170 gr pasta tomat (170 gr tomato paste)
- 5 sdm saus tomat (5 tbsp tomato sauce)
- 1 sdt oregano bubuk (1 tsp oregano powder)
- ½ sdt basil bubuk (1/2 tsp basil powder)
- ½ sdt merica bubuk (1/2 tsp pepper powder)
- 1 sdt kaldu ayam/daging instan (1 tsp instant chicken broth)
- 1 sdt garam (1 tsp salt)
- 2 sdm gula pasir (aku tambahin 2 sdm lagi)
- 3 sdm minyak untuk menumis (3 tbsp cooking oil)
- 300 ml air (aku 250 ml) (250 ml water)

Saus Keju (Bechamel Sauce):
- 1000 ml susu cair (1000 ml liquid milk)
- 250 gr keju cheddar, parut halus (250 gr cheddar cheese, finely grated)
- 3 sdm mentega (3 tbsp butter)
- 3 sdm tepung terigu (3 tbsp flour)
- ½ sdt merica bubuk (1/2 tsp pepper powder)
- ⅛ sdt pala bubuk (1/8 tsp nutmeg powder)
- ½ sdt garam (1/2 tsp salt)

- 250 gr mozarela, parut kasar (250 gr mozarela, coarsely grated)

Cara membuat:
Saus Daging (Bolognese Sauce)
- Tumis bawang putih dan bombay hingga harum. (Saute the garlic until fragrant / smell good)
- Masukkan daging giling/cincang. Aduk hingga daging berubah warna. (Enter the ground beef / minced. Stir until the meat changes color)
- Kemudian masukkan tomat cincang, pasta tomat dan saus tomat, aduk rata (Then enter the chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and tomato sauce and stir well). Bubuhi dengan merica bubuk, garam, gula pasir, oregano bubuk dan basil bubuk. (add the pepper powder, salt, sugar, powdered oregano and basil powder.)Tuang air. Masak dengan api kecil selama ± 20 menit. Angkat. Sisihkan.(Pour water. Cook over low heat for ± 20 minutes. Lift. Set aside)

Saus Keju (Bechamel Sauce) 
- Panaskan mentega hingga mencair, lalu masukkan tepung terigu. Aduk hingga rata.  (Heat the butter until melted, then enter the flour. Stir until blended)
- Tuang susu cair perlahan-lahan sambil diaduk-aduk. Jaga jangan sampai bergerindil. (Pour milk  and stirring slowly)
- Bubuhi dengan merica bubuk, pala bubuk dan garam. (add the pepper powder, nutmeg powder and salt.)
- Terakhir masukkan keju parut. Aduk hingga rata. Masak hingga mengental dengan api kecil. Angkat. Sisihkan. (Latest enter grated cheese. Stir until blended. Cook over low heat until thickened. Lift. Set aside.)

Penyusunan / forming
- Letakkan saus daging lalu taruh lasagna diatasnya, siram kembali dengan saus daging, kemudian timpa dengan saus keju. Taruh lasagna kembali, kemudian siram dengan saus daging timpa lagi dengan saus keju. Lakukan kembali sampai habis. (Put the meat sauce and then put lasagna on top, flush again with meat sauce, then add with a cheese sauce. Place the lasagna back, then pour the meat sauce again after that pour with cheese sauce. Do it again until the end.)
- Terakhir adalah saus keju. Kemudian taburi keju mozarela di atasnya.(Last is the cheese sauce. Then sprinkle Mozarelacheese on top.)
- Masak di oven dengan suhu 180°C sehingga matang ± 30 - 40  menit (sesuai petunjuk dalam kemasan lasagna instan).  (Cook in the oven with a temperature of 180 ° C so that the mature ± 30-40 minutes)
- Sajikan 10 menit setelah lasagna keluar dari oven. (Serve 10 minutes after the lasagna out of the oven.)

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