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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Devil's Food Cake

Cake Setan ??
Hmm, saking enaknya makanya dinamakan demikian kayaknya.
Apalagi untuk pencinta coklat.
Karena cake ini coklat di mana mana, dari cakenya, olesannya dan biasanya masih disiram ganache cair juga. Karena sudah nggak keburu, karena mau dibawa ke kantor suami , ya sudah hanya dipoles dengan ganache kocok saja.

Resepnya aku ambil dari resep bu FB di NCC

Devil Cake??
I think it's named after the mouthwatering taste of the cake.
Especially for those who are avid fans of chocolate since this cake has chocolate all over it, from the cake itself to the chocolate spread, and usually it is also "showered" with chocolate ganache.

Bahan A:
- 25 kuning telur
- 5 putih telur
- 200 gr gula pasir
- 25 gr emulsifier (optional)

Material A:
- 25 egg yolks
- 5 egg whites
- 200 grams sugar
- 25 gr emulsifier (optional)

Bahan B:

- 125 gr terigu / mocaf
- 50 gr coklat bubuk
- 25 gr maizena
- 1 sdt baking powder

Material B:
- 125 gr flour / mocaf
- 50 grams of cocoa powder
- 25 gr cornstarch
- 1 tsp baking powder

Bahan C:

- 1 sdm pasta coklat BF
- 250 gr mentega cair

Material C:
- 1 tbsp chocolate pasta BF
- 250 gr of melted butter

Cara membuat :

1. Kocok bahan A hingga kental, masukkan bahan B, aduk rata, tuangi bahan C, aduk balik hingga rata
2. Tuang adonan ke dalam 4 buah loyang buat diameter 20 cm, panggang dengan suhu 180 C
3. Setelah matang, angkat dari oven, dinginkan, keluarkan dari loyang

How to make:
1. Whisk ingredients A until thick, pour ingredients B into the mixture, mix well, pour ingredients C, mix well
2. Pour the batter into 4 different pans with 20 cm in diameter, bake at the temperature of 180 C 
3. Once cooked, remove from the oven, let it cool down, remove from the baking pans

Chocolate ganache:

- 600 gr DCC
- 300 gr whip cream kocok kaku
- 125 gr unsalted butter

Chocolate ganache:
- 600 grams of DCC
- 300 grams of whip cream whipped
- 125 gr unsalted butter

Cara membuat :

Tim coklat sampai leleh, masukkan butter campur rata, tuangkan pada whipped cream, kocok hingga tercampur rata

How to make:
Melt the chocolate, add butter then mix well, pour the mixture into the whipped cream, mix well

1. Ambil satu lembar cake , basahi dengan simple syrup, poles dengan chocolate ganache. Timpa satu lembar cake lagi di atasnya, poles seluruh bagian cake dengan coklat ganache
2. Kalau mau, hias dengan siraman ganache cair atau hiasan coklat lainnya
3. 1 resep bisa jadi dua cake dengan masing masing 2 layer

1. Take one layer of the cake, wet the cake with simple syrup, cover it with chocolate ganache. Put another layer on it, cover the entire cake with chocolate ganache
2. If you want to, decorate it with a drizzle of liquid ganache or other chocolate kinds of chocolate garnishes 
3. 1 recipe could make two cakes, each with two layers

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