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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Thousand Layer Cake / Mille Crepe - from Mocaf

Cake ini terdiri dari tumpukan crepe dan filling creem cheese.
Enak banget, lembut, apalagi dimakan dingin dingin, rasanya nyes di perut, langsung meluncur dari mulut.
Karena tumpukannya banyak maka dinamai "Thousand Layer Cake".
Oh ya , reseptnya dari majalah Sedap.

This cake has many crepes layer but between each layer is spread by cream cheese feeling.
The texture is smooth and the taste is not to sweet and savory.
Since has many layer so its called  "Thousand Layer Cake".
This recipe is taken from Sedap, food magazine.

Bahan Kulit / Crepe Ingredient
- 150 gr maizena (150 gr corn starch)
- 30 gr tepung mocaf (30 gr flour)
- 25 gr coklat bubuk (25 gr cocoa powder)
- 1 sdt garam (1 tbs salt)
- 2 butir telur (2 eggs)
- 450 ml susu (450 ml milk)
- 1,5 sdm mentega (1,5 tbsp butter)
- 1/4 sdt vanila pasta (1/4 tsp vanila pasta)

Bahan Filling / Filling Ingredient
- 150 ml susu cair (150 ml milk)
- 75 gr cream cheese 
- 75 gr gula pasir (75 gr castor sugar)
- 1,5 sdt maizena, larutkan dalam 2 sdt air (1,5 tsp corn starch, dissolve with 2 tsp water)
- 1,5 sdm mentega (1,5 tbsp butter)
- 150 gr krim bubuk dan 300 ml air es, kocok mengembang ( 150 gr cream powder and 300 ml ice water, beat till fluffy)

Cara / Directions
1. Kulit, campur maizena, tepung mocaf, coklat bubuk, gula pasir dan garam, aduk rata. (in a bowl, for crepe, mix corn starch, flour, cocoa powder, sugar and salt using whisk)
2. Campur telur, susu cair, pasta vanila dan mentega, aduk rata . In other bowl, mix eggs, milk and vanila pasta and butter). Whisk till well combined.
3. Tuang sedikit-sedikit ke dalam campuran tepung. Aduk rata. Buat dadar tipis di pan anti lengket. Sisihkan. (pour milk gradually into flour and stirring to combine. Frying pan over medium heat. Pour the batter  onto the griddle, using approximately 4 tbsp for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly 
4. Filling, panaskan susu cair, masukkan cream cheese. Aduk hingga larut. Masukkan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Kentalkan dengan maizena. Aduk hingga meletup letup. Matikan api. Tambahkan mentega, aduk larut. Dinginkan. Heat milk and add cream cheese in it. Stirring till the cream cheese is dissolved. Add sugar then add corn starch. Turn off the heat then add butter. Let it cold
5. Kocok lembut adonan filling. Tambahkan sedikit sedikit krim kocok. Kocok rata. Masukkan vanila pasta, aduk rata. Beat the filling, and add with whipped cream . Than add with vanila pasta.
6. Ambil selembar kulit. Olesi dengan filling. Lakukan hingga habis. Take one layer of crepe and coat it with the filling. Do it till the batter is finish.

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