
 Cake with Icing Sugar  Barbie Cake & Hello Kitty  Cheese Cake & African Gateu  Baby Cupcake, Christmas Cupcake & Cupcake Bouqette  Chiffon Pandan & Cheese Brownies  Cheese Button, Biscotti, Icing Sugar Cookies Apple Pie, Chocolate Cheese Pie & Blueberry Cheese Pie Cinnamon Bread & Pizza Kue Ku, Bakpia, Onde Onde Danish Pastry, Apple Struddle, Roomhorn Orange Wedding Cake Lapis Legit, Lapis Surabaya, Brownies Kukus

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Green Bean Steam Bun - Not Gluten Free

Sudah pernah mencoba membuat bakpao sebelumnya, tetapi sepertinya dulu hasilnya agak kenyal, lupa karena apa.
Dan sekarang, setelah mencoba yang kedua kalinya, hasilnya benar benar empuk.
Apalagi dimakan hangat selagi udara dingin seperti sekarang, karena hujan deras sekali di luar.

Aku ambil resepnya dari majalah Sedap dan sekalian bereksperimen dengan beberapa bentuk baru :-).

Oh ya, isinya adalah kacang hijau, yang setelah kesana kemari, tidak menemukan kacang hijau yang kupas, terus saja pakai kacang hijau yang berkulit.
Hasilnya tetap enak, hanya warnanya tidak pucat seperti pada umumnya, tetapi rasanya .. hmm gurih dan manis (baru turun dari panci sudah si kacang hijau sudah dicolek colek masuk mulut ^_^ )

This is the second time I try to make steam bun. The first trial is too bad, springy.
But todays result is amazing, this buns is smooth and soft. Really yummy when eaten hot.

Bahan kulit / ingredient for dough:
- 300 gr tepung terigu protein rendah / 300 gr all purpose flour
- 60 gr tepung tangmien / 60 gr tangmien flour
- 8 gr ragi instant / 8 gr yeast
- 1/2 sdt baking powder / 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 75 gr gula pasir / 75 gr castor sugar
- 25 gr susu bubuk / 25 gr powder milk
- 175 ml air es / 175 ml ice water
- 30 gr mentega putih (aku menggunakan butter, dan warnanya tetap putih) / 30 gr white butter
- 1 sdt garam / 1 tsp salt

Bahan isi:
- 75 gr kacang hijau kupas, rendam 2 jam (aku menggunakan 100 gr kacang hijau yang masih berkulit) / 75 gr green beans / read beans soaking in water for 2 hours
- 85 gr gula pasir / 85 gr castor sugar
- 1 lembar daun pandan / 1 pc pandan leaf
- 25 ml santan kental / 25 ml coconut milk
- 1/8 sdt garam / 1/8 tsp salt
- 100 ml air / 100 ml water

Cara membuat:
1. Isi : kukus kacang hijau hingga mekar. Angkat dan blender dengan santan. Lalu panaskan di atas panci dengan gula, garam, air dan daun pandan  hingga kalis dan bisa dibentuk. Angkat dan dinginkan. Bentuk bola bola / Filling : steam green bean around 15 minutes. Pour green beans into blender, add coconut milk and blend till smooth. Move into a bowl, add sugar, salt, water and pandan leaf, stirring using spoon till well mixed and dull. Make a small ball.

2. Bahan kulit : campur rata tepung terigu, tepung tangmien, ragi instant dan baking powder, gula pasir dan susu bubuk. Masukkan air es dan uleni sampai kalis. Dough : mix flour , tangmien flour, yeast, baking powder, sugar and milk powder. Add ice water and knead till the smooth
3. Tambahkan mentega putih / butter dan garam. Uleni sampai elastis, dan diamkan 30 menit. Add butter and salt, knead till elastic. Put it into greased bowl and let stand for about 30 minutes
4. Timbang adonan masing-masing 30 gr, diamkan 10 menit. Devide dough, 30 gr each. Let it stand for around 10 minutes
5. Giling adonan menjadi bulat, letakkan isi di tengah dan bisa dibentuk sesuai selera. Roll dough, and fill it with the filling. 

6. Diamkan 45 menit hingga mengembang. Let stand untill double size around 45 minutes
7. Kukus di atas api sedang selama 10 menit sampai matang. Steam buns over boiling water for 15 minutes

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Oreo Cotton Cheese Cake

Sudah lama ingin sekali membuat cake ini, tetapi agak ragu karena takut gagal.
Ternyata, seperti namanya, cake ini setelah jadi, lembut sekali, seperti kapas.
Karena anakku tidak terlalu suka selai, maka untuk toppingnya aku ganti dengan oreo.
Cake yang lembut, dipadu dengan topping white coklat dan serpihan oreo, paduan yang enak :-)
Apalagi setelah dimasukkan ke kulkas ... hmmm tambah enak ternyata. Lembut dan nyesssss.

I read in several blogs, its not easy to bake this cake. The ingredients and methods are very simple but yet hard to bake a good looking cheesecake.  But, I am lucky,  my first cake is beautiful, smooth with golden surface.
My kids don't like either strawberry / blueberry jam, so I used cheese butter cream with oreo in it. The combination between the cake and the topping is so yummy.

Resepnya saya ambil dari buku Cheese Cake dari Sedap.

- 65 gr mentega / butter (65 gr butter)
- 65 gr mocaf / tepung terigu potein rendah (65 gr mocaf flour / low protein flour)
- 80 gr susu cair (80 gr milk)
- 100 gr cream cheese / parutan halus keju (100 gr cream cheese)
- 100 gr kuning telur kocok lepas (100 gr egg yolks)
- 200 gr putih telur ( 200 gr white eggs)
- 1/4 sdt garam (1/4 tsp salt)
- 125 gr gula pasir (125 gr castor sugar

- 50 gr mentega dingin (50 gr cold butter)
- 100 gr cream cheese
- 100 gr white cooking chocolate  (melted)

Cara membuat / Directions:
- Panaskan oven 160C (Heat oven at 160C)
- Panaskan mentega sampai meleleh, matikan api (Place butter in a bowl, cook till melting)
- Masukkan tepung dan aduk sampai rata, dinginkan (Add flour and stir with a whisk till smooth)
- Panaskan susu cair, masukkan keju parut / cream cheese, aduk sampai larut, lalu hangat-hangat masukkan ke dalam kuning telur. Kocok rata (Heat milk and add cream cheese in it, stir till completely dissolved. Then pour to egg yolk. Stir untill well combined)
- Tuang ke dalam campuran tepung, aduk rata. (Pour into flour mixture)
- Kocok putih telur dan garam sampai setengah mengembang, tambahkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit dan kocok sampai mengembang (beat egg whites and salt until frothy. Add in sugar gradually, beat until soft peaks)
- Masukkan campuran tepung ke putih telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan (Add in flour mixture into white eggs, slowly folded till well combined)
- Tuang ke dalam loyang 22x22x4 cm yang sudah dialas kertas roti dan tanpa dioles.  (Pour the batter into 22x22x4 cm pan that is already covered by bread paper)
- Letakkan di atas loyang yang sudah diberi sedikit air. (Place cake pan into a slightly bigger  pan. Fill the bigger pan with boiling water )
- Oven selama 45 menit dengan api atas, ditambah 5 menit dengan api atas. (Oven for 45 minutes using bottom heat and add 5 minutes using top heat)
- Matikan oven, biarkan cake dalam oven sampai suhunya turun. (Turn off the oven and let the cake in it till the temperature down)
- Oles dengan bahan topping yang sudah dikocok sampai fluffy dan taburi dengan remahan oreo. (Covered cake with topping that already beat till fluffy and spread with oreo crumbs)


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chocolate Taiwanese Bread - Not Gluten Free

Roti taiwan terkenal karena lembut, sehingga aku coba searching untuk mencari resepnya.
Tidak terlalu banyak resep yang aku temukan, tetapi salah satunya adalah catatan mbak Riana saat kursus roti yang ditulis di mailing list NCC.
Dan resep itu yang aku coba.

Memang benar, jadinya lembut, hampir sama dengan metode water roux hasilnya.

Tadi malam, Tata membeli Nutela, jadilah Nutela sebagai filling rotiku hari ini.

Taiwan is famous for soft bread, so I tried searching to find the recipe.

Not too many recipes that I found, but one of them is the current course record of Ms. Riana and written in NCC mailing list.

And thus recipes that I've tried.

It is true, become soft, almost the same as the water roux method results.
Last night, Tata bought nutela nutela is filling of my bread today.

Roti Taiwan (Boiled Dough)
Sumber: mailing list NCC by Riana
Bahan:Pre-Dough (boiled):

- 300 gr Air panas (90 derajat C)- 150 gr Terigu protein tinggi

Bread Taiwan (Boiled Dough)

Source: NCC mailing list by Riana
Material: Pre-Dough (boiled):

- 300 g of hot water (90 degrees C) - 150 g high protein flour

- 900 gr Terigu protein tinggi
- 14 gr  Yeast
- 30 gr Gula pasir halus
- 540 gr air


- 900 g high protein flour
- 14 g Yeast
- 30 grams of refined sugar
- 540 grams of water

Adonan Utama:
- 300 gr Gula pasir halus
- 17 gr garam 
- 180 gr butter
- 1 resep boiled dough
- 5 gr bread improver
- 120 gr telur utuh (kurang lebih 3 butir)
- 83 gr ice flakes (es batu dihancurkan jadi serpihan kecil)
- 600 gr Terigu protein tinggi
- 60 gr susu bubuk fullcream
- 45 gr madu (plain, bukan flavored)
- Air es, kurang lebih 75 gr

Main Dough:

- 300 grams of refined sugar
- 17 grams of salt
- 180 grams of butter
- 1 boiled dough recipe
- 5 grams of bread improver
- 120 grams of whole eggs (about 3 points)
- 83 g of ice flakes (crushed ice so small flakes)
- 600 g high protein flour
- 60 grams of full cream milk powder
- 45 g of honey (plain, not flavored)
- Water ice, about 75 g

Cara Membuat:
Pre Dough (Boiled):

1 Aduk semua bahan hingga rata, di atas api kecil.
2. Istirahatkan sekitar 120 menit (dalam chiller). Adonan pre-dough initahan di dalam kulkas hingga 1 bulan, di dalam freezer hingga 3 bulan.

How to Make:
Pre Dough (Boiled):

1 Mix all ingredients until blended, over low heat.
2. Rest about 120 minutes (the chiller). This pre-dough dough hold up to 1 month in the refrigerator, in the freezer up to 3 months.

1. Aduk semua bahan hingga rata2. Istirahatkan sekitar 90 menit di suhu ruang.


1. Stir all ingredients until blended. Rest about 90 minutes at room temperature.

Adonan utama:
1. Masukkan pre-dough ke dalam sponge.
2. Tambahkan gula pasir halus, garam, susu bubuk, telur, air es, ice flakes,madu, improver. Aduk rata (dengan mikser).
3. Masukkan terigu . Aduk rata.
4. Tambahkan butter, aduk hingga kalis.
5. Tambahkan sedikit minyak salad di adonan supaya tidak lengket di tangan.
6. Istirahatkan selama 5 menit sebelum dibentuk (selama istirahat, adonan ditutup plastik).
7. Adonan siap digunakan. Taruh di hangat kurang lebih 30-45 menit sampai mengembang. Setelah itu diberi
topping, baru masuk oven. 
8. Setelah adonan diisi, diletakkan di loyang, didiamkan dulu di tempat

Main Dough:

1. Enter the pre-dough into a sponge.
2. Add sugar, salt, powdered milk, eggs, ice water, ice flakes, honey, improver. Mix well (with a mixer).
3. Stir in the flour. Stir well.
4. Add butter, stirring until smooth.
5. Add a little salad oil in the dough that is not sticky to the touch.
6. Rest for 5 minutes before it was formed (during the break, closed plastic dough).
7. The dough is ready for use. Put in a warm approximately 30-45 minutes until fluffy. After it was given
topping, oven new entry.
8. Once the dough is filled, put on a baking sheet, settling first in place

Thousand Layer Cake / Mille Crepe - from Mocaf

Cake ini terdiri dari tumpukan crepe dan filling creem cheese.
Enak banget, lembut, apalagi dimakan dingin dingin, rasanya nyes di perut, langsung meluncur dari mulut.
Karena tumpukannya banyak maka dinamai "Thousand Layer Cake".
Oh ya , reseptnya dari majalah Sedap.

This cake has many crepes layer but between each layer is spread by cream cheese feeling.
The texture is smooth and the taste is not to sweet and savory.
Since has many layer so its called  "Thousand Layer Cake".
This recipe is taken from Sedap, food magazine.

Bahan Kulit / Crepe Ingredient
- 150 gr maizena (150 gr corn starch)
- 30 gr tepung mocaf (30 gr flour)
- 25 gr coklat bubuk (25 gr cocoa powder)
- 1 sdt garam (1 tbs salt)
- 2 butir telur (2 eggs)
- 450 ml susu (450 ml milk)
- 1,5 sdm mentega (1,5 tbsp butter)
- 1/4 sdt vanila pasta (1/4 tsp vanila pasta)

Bahan Filling / Filling Ingredient
- 150 ml susu cair (150 ml milk)
- 75 gr cream cheese 
- 75 gr gula pasir (75 gr castor sugar)
- 1,5 sdt maizena, larutkan dalam 2 sdt air (1,5 tsp corn starch, dissolve with 2 tsp water)
- 1,5 sdm mentega (1,5 tbsp butter)
- 150 gr krim bubuk dan 300 ml air es, kocok mengembang ( 150 gr cream powder and 300 ml ice water, beat till fluffy)

Cara / Directions
1. Kulit, campur maizena, tepung mocaf, coklat bubuk, gula pasir dan garam, aduk rata. (in a bowl, for crepe, mix corn starch, flour, cocoa powder, sugar and salt using whisk)
2. Campur telur, susu cair, pasta vanila dan mentega, aduk rata . In other bowl, mix eggs, milk and vanila pasta and butter). Whisk till well combined.
3. Tuang sedikit-sedikit ke dalam campuran tepung. Aduk rata. Buat dadar tipis di pan anti lengket. Sisihkan. (pour milk gradually into flour and stirring to combine. Frying pan over medium heat. Pour the batter  onto the griddle, using approximately 4 tbsp for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly 
4. Filling, panaskan susu cair, masukkan cream cheese. Aduk hingga larut. Masukkan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Kentalkan dengan maizena. Aduk hingga meletup letup. Matikan api. Tambahkan mentega, aduk larut. Dinginkan. Heat milk and add cream cheese in it. Stirring till the cream cheese is dissolved. Add sugar then add corn starch. Turn off the heat then add butter. Let it cold
5. Kocok lembut adonan filling. Tambahkan sedikit sedikit krim kocok. Kocok rata. Masukkan vanila pasta, aduk rata. Beat the filling, and add with whipped cream . Than add with vanila pasta.
6. Ambil selembar kulit. Olesi dengan filling. Lakukan hingga habis. Take one layer of crepe and coat it with the filling. Do it till the batter is finish.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Chocolate Japanese Roll Cake from Mocaf

It is not perfect yet, but I am satisfy with the result. Surely need more exercise. I hope you can imagine that there are 2 deers on my cake.

2 deers and stars - although Christmast almost one month behind :-)
Need to draw the Saint but too difficult he he he

Could not find the recipe, so I just substitute flour with chocolate / cocoa powder.
7 gr flour with 7 gr chocolate / cocoa powder. 
The original recipe is at this link.
Like previous cake that I bake before, the texture is smooth and soft.

Chocolate flavour is not to strong, enough for me, but I think it will be better if I add chocolate pasta / blackforest pasta.

For filling I use my own ingredient
- 50 gr butter
- 100 gr creamcheese
- 25 gr icing sugar
- grated cheese
Beat butter and creamcheese till fluffy and add icing sugar.

Below is another trial.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Shrimp Cheese Pizza - Not Gluten Free

Pizza is one of my family favourite. And always the first choice when I have no idea what I should prepare for my kids. Usually I use pastry or bread dough for the pizza, but today, I use original recipe for pizza dough. I copy the recipe from ordinary kitchen blog. 
Since I roll the dough till thin, so that pizza is a little bit crispy, but really really yummy.

Pizza adalah salah satu favorit keluargaku, dan menjadi pilihan pertama jika sudah bingung mau makan apa.
Biasanya supaya praktis, aku menggunakan pastry atau bread dough, yang selalu aku simpan di freezer.
Tetapi hari ini ingin mencoba membuat pizza dengan resep yang asli untuk pizza.
Aku contoh resepnya dari ordinary kitchen blog (minta ijinnya ya mbak).
Toppingnya lain dari biasanya, karena aku menggunakan udang. Mau diapa apain, udang memang enak.
Dipadu dengan susis dan paprika, serta disiram dengan keju mozarela .... hmmmm yummy.

Bahan / Ingredient
250 gr tepung protein tinggi   (250 gr high protein flour / bread flour)
50 gr tepung proten rendah (50 gr low protein flour / you can use high protein flour also)
6 gr ragi instant (6 gr yeast)
200 ml air hangat (200 ml luke warm water)
1 sdt gula pasir (1 tsp sugar)
2 sdm minyak zaitun (2 tbsp olive oil)
1 sdt garam (1 tsp salt)

Cara membuat dough / How to make dough
- campurkan ragi instant, gula pasir dan air hangat, biarkan 10 menit hingga berbusa (mix yeast, sugar and olive oil into warm water and leave for 10 minutes)
- campurkan tepung terigu, buat lubang di tengahnya (sieve the flour into a work surface and make a well in the middle)
- tuangkan air ragi di tengah terigu sambil diaduk rata dengan tangan (pour the yeast into the well)
- tambahkan minyak zaitun dan uleni hingga setengah kalis (add olive oil and knead the dough till smooth)
- masukkan garam dan uleni lagi hingga kalis dan licin (add salt and knead again till smooth)
- bulatkan adonan dan tempatkan di wadah yang dioles minyak. tutup dengan plastik wrap atau serbet (place the ball dough into bowl that is spray using vegetable oil and cover the bowl using damp cloth or plastic wrap)
- diamkan selama 45 menit - 1 jam hingga mengembang 2x lipat (place in warm room for 45 minutes - 1 hour untill the dough has double in size)

Sauce   (ala Krista, karena tidak ada daging asap, hanya udang, sosis dan paprika
- 1/2 buah bawang bombay, cincang kasar. (1/2 piece onion - chopped )
- 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus (1 piece garlic - chopped)
- garam, merica secukupnya (salt & pepper)
- mentega untuk menumis (vegetable oil for frying)

- tumis bawang putih dan bawah bombay hingga layu dan harum 
- masukkan udang hingga merah
- tambahkan garam dan merica.

- 8 sdm mayonise (8 tbsp mayonise)
- 2 sdm saus tomat (8 tbsp tomato sauce)
- oregano secukupnya  (oregano)
- mozarela keju secukupnya (mozarela cheese, shredded)
- susis secukupnya (sausage)
- paprika secukupnya  (paprika, chopped)

Penyelesaian / Finishing
- panaskan oven 200C. Previously heat oven at 200 C
- tipiskan dough sampai ketebalan 0,5 cm dan letakkan di loyang yang sudah dioles minyak. now remove the dough into a flour dusted surface and knead it arount a bit to push the air out. Roll the dough around 0,5 cm and put into a pan that already spray using vegetable oil
- oleskan  mayonise dan saus tomat dengan merata. tata susis, tumisan udang, paprika, taburi dengan keju mozarela, lalu beri taburan oregano kering. Smear the mixture of mayonise and tomato sauce over the base of pizza and spread it out to the edges. Put slicing of sausage, shrimp, paprika, and spread using mozarela cheese
- panggang 15 - 20 menit. bake for 15 - 20 minutes.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Carang Gesing - Indonesian Traditional Food

Salah satu makanan favoritku yang sering dibuat ibu untukku.
Dibungkus daun, kadang ditambah roti tawar. Rasanya manis seperti kolak, tetapi ada gurih karena ada telur. Enak dimakan panas panas maupun dingin setelah disimpan di kulkas.

Carang gesing is one of Indonesian original food. This is truly javanese style (Java is only one of among 200 tribes in Indonesia), that usually quite sweet. Its savory because of egg and coconut milk. And I put palm sugar instead of castor sugar. 
It can be serve hot or cold

Dan hari ini aku menambahkan kismis untuk pemanis dan jadinya lebih kaya rasa, karena ada rasa asemnya. Selain itu, supaya penampilannya manis, tidak aku bungkus daun (karena tidak bisa he he he) ... 
tetapi aku taruh di alumunium foil.

Originally its  wrapped using banana leaf. But its quite difficult, so I use alumunium foil.
And I add raisins, and voila, makes the taste is rich, sweet, savory, and little sour.

Ini resep yang aku pakai.

Bahan (ingredient) : 

- 10 sisir pisang raja yang matang (10 piece of ripe banana)
- 200 ml santan siap pakai (200 ml insant coconut milk)
- 100 ml air untuk mengencerkan (100 ml water)
- 2 butir telur (2 eggs)
- 75 gr gula merah / gula kastor (75 gr palm sugar / brown sugar / castor sugar)
- daun pandan secukupnya (pandan leaves  - can be escaped)
- kismis secukupnya (raisins)

Cara membuat : 

- iris pisang tipis tipis (cut banana into slices)
- campur santan, air, gula dan kocokan telur sampai rata (mixed coconut milk, water, sugar and eggs using whisk)
- masukkan irisan pisang ke campuran santan (add in banana slices into the mixture)
- tuang ke alumunium foil (pour mixture into alumunium foil)
- kukus sampai matang 15 - 20 menit (steam for about 15 - 20 minutes)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

American Risoles

American Risoles. Amris. Is one of my kids favourite snack. Its crispy outside since using bread crump, but melting inside with mayonnaise. Perfectly yummy with boiled egg, smoked beef and cheese inside. Today is special , since Tata, my daughter who made the risoles layer. 

American Risoles adalah favorit kedua anakku. Sekali makan bisa berpotong potong, sambil nyocol ke sambal atau saus tomat. 
Resepnya saya tiru dari si mbak di rumah, tetapi tidak tahu dari mana.

Bahan  (Ingredients): 
- 100 gr tepung mocaf (100 gr flour)
- 1/4 sdt garam (1/4 tsp salt)
- 1/4 sdt merica (1/4 tsp pepper)
- 1 butir telur (1 egg)
- 250 ml susu cair (250 ml milk)
- 1 sdm gula pasir (1 tbsp castor sugar)

Isi (Content):

- mayoinaise (

- telur rebus (boiled egg, 1 egg for 4 -6 pieces)

- daging asap (smoked beef)

- keju yang dipotong batang (cheese slice)


- tepung panir (bread crump)

- 1 butir telur (1 egg)

Cara membuat :

- Ayak tepung dan campur dengan gula, garam dan merica. Campur dengan susu, aduk dengan whisk. Masukkan telur dan aduk lagi sampai rata (saring bila perlu agar tidak bergerindil). Sifter flour and mixed with sugar, pepper and salt. Gradually pour milk and stirring using whisk. 

- Panaskan wajan anti lengket dengan api kecil, buat dadar tipis tipis sekitar 1 sendok sayur. Tunggu sampai tidak lengket, angkat, dinginkan. Lakukan sampai habis. Heat non sticky pan using small fire. maka egg layer, per layer need about 1 scoop. 

- Ambil selembar bahan isi, tata bahan isi, lalu lipat seperti amplop. lakukan sampai habis. Take one piece of egg layer, fill in with mayonnaise, boiled egg, smoked beef and cheese. folded like an envelope

- Gulingkan ke tepung panir, celupkan ke kocokan telur, gulingkan lagi ke tepung panir. roll into bread crump. dip into egg shuffle, and roll in into bread crump again.

- Goreng dengan api sedang, sampai kuning kecoklatan. Tiriskan. Fried using medium fire and  drain

Choco Spread Soft Bread - Not Gluten Free

I kept my previous dough at refrigerator (2 weeks probably). And after one hour at the room temperatur, its back to be normal dough.

I use this recipe that I post before for the dough. Water roux method.

Using rolling pin, make the dough thinner. Spread using choco spread, add cheese sprinkle, then cut only half part of the dough and folded it start from the uncut one.

Here is the step.