
 Cake with Icing Sugar  Barbie Cake & Hello Kitty  Cheese Cake & African Gateu  Baby Cupcake, Christmas Cupcake & Cupcake Bouqette  Chiffon Pandan & Cheese Brownies  Cheese Button, Biscotti, Icing Sugar Cookies Apple Pie, Chocolate Cheese Pie & Blueberry Cheese Pie Cinnamon Bread & Pizza Kue Ku, Bakpia, Onde Onde Danish Pastry, Apple Struddle, Roomhorn Orange Wedding Cake Lapis Legit, Lapis Surabaya, Brownies Kukus

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mocaf Japanese Cheese Cake / JCC

The first time I try JCC is today, fresh from the oven :-D.
I have been fallen in love with this cake.
Smooth, creamy, fluffy texture and not too sweet,  makes this kind of cheesecake is will be next our favourite cake.

The cooking method, makes this cheesecake is very light, like chiffon cheese cake I made before.

Pertama kali saya mencicip JCC adalah baru saja :-).
Dan rasanya akan menjadi cake favorite keluarga selanjutnya.
Rasanya yang creamy karena keju, dan lembut sekali, membuat tidak sadar, sudah beberapa potong masuk ke perut.

Here is the recipe, I took from buku "SEDAP"
- 100 gr cream cheese
- 20 gr butter (20 gr butter)
- 50 gr double cream (50 gr krim kental)
- 50 gr egg yolks (50 gr kuning telur - kira kira 3 butir telur)
- 1/2 tsp lemon zest (1/2 sdt air jeruk lemon)
- 100 gr egg whites (100 gr putih telur - kira kira 3 butir telur)
- 1/4 tsp cream of tartar (1/4 sdt cream of tartar)
- 1/8 tsp salt (1/8 sdt garam)
- 50 gr caster sugar (50 gr gula pasir)

Spread jam  (Bahan olesan)
1 table spoon off apricot jam (1 sdm selai apricot)
25 ml water (25 ml air)
heat till jam dissolve (panaskan sampai selai larut)

- Preheat oven to 160 C (panaskan oven pada 160 C)
- Put the cream cheese into a bowl. Place the bowl over simmering water. Stir cream cheese until completely dissolved and the mixtuer turns smooth. (Tim cream cheese sampai larut)
- Add cream and butter till dissolved. Remove from heat, let cool  down a bit, than pour to mocaf flour. Stir till mix well (Masukkan krim kental dan butter, aduk sampai rata dan tambahkan air jeruk lemon. Lalu tuang di tepung mocaf, dan aduk kembali sampai rata)
- Add yolks eggs and stir the mixture again. (masukan kuning telur ke adonan cream cheese)
- Place egg whites in a clean bowl. Use an electric mixer to beat the egg whites, cream of tartar and salt for 3 minutes, than add sugar. Blend untill very stiff peaks form (Kocok putih telur, garam dan cream of tartar, selama 3 menit, lalu masukkan gula pasir, kocok terus sampai soft peak)
- Fold in the egg whites into cream cheese mixture gently untill are incorporated. (Tuang dan campur putih telur ke adonan cream cheese, aduk balik sampai rata)
- Pour the mizture into baking pans (Tuang adonan ke pans yang sudah dialas kertas roti)
- Place the pans into larger baking tray, and add 2 spoons hot water in it (taruh pans ke loyang yang lebih besar, dan masukkn 2 sdm air panas di atas loyang)
- Bake for 60 minutes. (Panggang selama 60 menit)
- Turn off the oven. Leave the oven door open for 10  minutes. Remove from oven and pans. (matikan oven, biarkan pintu oven terbuka selama 10 menit, lalu angkat)
- cover with apricot jam (Oles dengan selai apricot)