
 Cake with Icing Sugar  Barbie Cake & Hello Kitty  Cheese Cake & African Gateu  Baby Cupcake, Christmas Cupcake & Cupcake Bouqette  Chiffon Pandan & Cheese Brownies  Cheese Button, Biscotti, Icing Sugar Cookies Apple Pie, Chocolate Cheese Pie & Blueberry Cheese Pie Cinnamon Bread & Pizza Kue Ku, Bakpia, Onde Onde Danish Pastry, Apple Struddle, Roomhorn Orange Wedding Cake Lapis Legit, Lapis Surabaya, Brownies Kukus

Monday, May 27, 2013

Chocolate Chiffon Cake

One of my favourite cakes is chiffon cake. So soft and smooth. Any kind of chiffon cake, chocolate, pandan or cheese.

But this chocolate chiffon cake is very yummy, not only it has beautiful texture, but that special taste, the combination of milk and chocolate, makes chiffon perfect. By far, this is the best chiffon cake I have ever make.

Here is the recipe that I took from Sedap.


- 110 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
- 25 gr coklat bubuk
- 1/4 sdt baking powder
- 80 gr gula pasir
- 90 gr minyak goreng
- 110 ml susu cair
- 5 kuning telur
- 1/4 sendok teh coklat pasta
- 7 putih telur 
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 120 gr gula pasir
- 25 gr chocolate chips untuk taburan

- 110 gr flour low protein
- 25 grams of cocoa powder
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 80 grams sugar
- 90 grams of cooking oil
- 110 ml of fresh milk
- 5 egg yolks
- 1/4 teaspoon chocolate paste
- 7 egg whites
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 120 grams sugar
- 25 gr chocolate chips for topping

Cara membuat:

1. ayak tepung, coklat bubuk, dan baking powder. Tambahkan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Sisihkan
2. Campur minyak goreng,  susu cair, dan coklat pasta. Aduk rata
3. Tuang ke campuran tepung terigu sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan. Tambahkan kuning telur. Aduk rata. Sisihkan
4. Kocok putih telur, garam sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit sedikit sambil dikocok sampai mengembang
5. Tuang ke dalam campuran tepung terigu sedikit sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan
6. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan chiffon tanpa dioles. Taburkan coklat keping
7. Oven dengan api bawah, 170C selama 55 menit sampai matang

How to make:
1. Sift flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder. Add sugar. Stir well. Set aside.
2. Mix cooking oil, milk, and chocolate pasta, then stir
3. Pour into the flour mixture little by little, stir gently. Add egg yolks. Stir well. Set aside
4. Beat egg whites, salt until half risen. Add sugar little by little and whipped until it rises
5. Pour it into the flour mixture, stir gently bit by bit
6. Pour the batter into the chiffon mold without greasing it. Sprinkle chocolate chips.
7. Oven with bottom fire at 170C for 55 minutes until cooked perfectly

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I like lasagna especially when the cheese is melted perfectly, soft pasta and  juicy bologneise sauce.
I found this recipe at Camelia@home.

Look at the picture, cheese are melted everywhere, not only the bechamel sauce (cheese sauce), but also from the mozarella cheese that covers the lasagna.
This is exactly what I was looking for.

Here is the recipe

Saya suka lasagna yang sangat ngeju, pastanya lembut dengan sauce bolognese yang juicy.
Dan akhirnya saya menemukan yang pas di blog Camelia@home.

250 gr Lasagna instan

Saus Daging (Bolognese Sauce):
- 500 gr daging giling/cincang (500 gr mincemeat)
- 1 bh bawang bombay ukuran sedang, cincang kasar (aku potong kotak kecil) 
(1 pc onion, diced)
- 1 siung bawang putih, keprek, cincang halus (
1 pc garlic, diced)
- 5 bh tomat buah ukuran besar, kupas kulit, buang biji, cincang kasar (aku potong kotak kecil) (5 pc big tomato, skin peeled, seeded and roughly chopped)
- 170 gr pasta tomat (170 gr tomato paste)
- 5 sdm saus tomat (5 tbsp tomato sauce)
- 1 sdt oregano bubuk (1 tsp oregano powder)
- ½ sdt basil bubuk (1/2 tsp basil powder)
- ½ sdt merica bubuk (1/2 tsp pepper powder)
- 1 sdt kaldu ayam/daging instan (1 tsp instant chicken broth)
- 1 sdt garam (1 tsp salt)
- 2 sdm gula pasir (aku tambahin 2 sdm lagi)
- 3 sdm minyak untuk menumis (3 tbsp cooking oil)
- 300 ml air (aku 250 ml) (250 ml water)

Saus Keju (Bechamel Sauce):
- 1000 ml susu cair (1000 ml liquid milk)
- 250 gr keju cheddar, parut halus (250 gr cheddar cheese, finely grated)
- 3 sdm mentega (3 tbsp butter)
- 3 sdm tepung terigu (3 tbsp flour)
- ½ sdt merica bubuk (1/2 tsp pepper powder)
- ⅛ sdt pala bubuk (1/8 tsp nutmeg powder)
- ½ sdt garam (1/2 tsp salt)

- 250 gr mozarela, parut kasar (250 gr mozarela, coarsely grated)

Cara membuat:
Saus Daging (Bolognese Sauce)
- Tumis bawang putih dan bombay hingga harum. (Saute the garlic until fragrant / smell good)
- Masukkan daging giling/cincang. Aduk hingga daging berubah warna. (Enter the ground beef / minced. Stir until the meat changes color)
- Kemudian masukkan tomat cincang, pasta tomat dan saus tomat, aduk rata (Then enter the chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and tomato sauce and stir well). Bubuhi dengan merica bubuk, garam, gula pasir, oregano bubuk dan basil bubuk. (add the pepper powder, salt, sugar, powdered oregano and basil powder.)Tuang air. Masak dengan api kecil selama ± 20 menit. Angkat. Sisihkan.(Pour water. Cook over low heat for ± 20 minutes. Lift. Set aside)

Saus Keju (Bechamel Sauce) 
- Panaskan mentega hingga mencair, lalu masukkan tepung terigu. Aduk hingga rata.  (Heat the butter until melted, then enter the flour. Stir until blended)
- Tuang susu cair perlahan-lahan sambil diaduk-aduk. Jaga jangan sampai bergerindil. (Pour milk  and stirring slowly)
- Bubuhi dengan merica bubuk, pala bubuk dan garam. (add the pepper powder, nutmeg powder and salt.)
- Terakhir masukkan keju parut. Aduk hingga rata. Masak hingga mengental dengan api kecil. Angkat. Sisihkan. (Latest enter grated cheese. Stir until blended. Cook over low heat until thickened. Lift. Set aside.)

Penyusunan / forming
- Letakkan saus daging lalu taruh lasagna diatasnya, siram kembali dengan saus daging, kemudian timpa dengan saus keju. Taruh lasagna kembali, kemudian siram dengan saus daging timpa lagi dengan saus keju. Lakukan kembali sampai habis. (Put the meat sauce and then put lasagna on top, flush again with meat sauce, then add with a cheese sauce. Place the lasagna back, then pour the meat sauce again after that pour with cheese sauce. Do it again until the end.)
- Terakhir adalah saus keju. Kemudian taburi keju mozarela di atasnya.(Last is the cheese sauce. Then sprinkle Mozarelacheese on top.)
- Masak di oven dengan suhu 180°C sehingga matang ± 30 - 40  menit (sesuai petunjuk dalam kemasan lasagna instan).  (Cook in the oven with a temperature of 180 ° C so that the mature ± 30-40 minutes)
- Sajikan 10 menit setelah lasagna keluar dari oven. (Serve 10 minutes after the lasagna out of the oven.)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Apple Pie

Apple Pie, manis, gurih, asam, menjadi satu. 
Renyah di luar , tetapi lembut di dalam.
Apalagi dimakan dingin dingin, slurrrpppp.
Resepnya disharing oleh mas Icho NCC dengan beberapa perubahan berdasarkan perasaanku saat nguleni.

Apple Pie, sweet, savoury, sour, this enhances the taste buds very well, all kinds of taste is here. 
Perfect combination of crunchy pie and soft apple, yummy.
It's heavenly especially when served cold.

This recipe was shared by Icho NCC

Kulit / Pie:
- 420 gr tepung terigu ==> aku 450 gr (450 gr flour)
- 60 gr gula pasir ( 60 gr castor sugar)
- 1,5 sdt garam (1,5 tsp salt)
- 300 gr mentega tawar, potong kecil kecil ==> aku dinginkan di lemari es dulu (300 gr chopped unsalted butter, cold)
- 90 gr mentega putih, potong potong ==> aku pakai mentega biasa (90 gr chopped shortening / white  butter)
- 125 ml air es (125 ml ice water)

Isi / Apple:

- 1 kg apel merah, kupas, potong kasar ==> aku pakai apel malang (1 kg red apple, peel and chop)
- 225 gula pasir ==> aku pakai 100 gr tetapi masih agak kemanisan (100 gr castor sugar)
- 125 ml madu ==> aku pakai 50 ml, tetapi masih agak kemanisan (50 ml honey)
- 50 gr tepung maizena ==> aku larutkan di 40 ml air (50 gr corn flour)
- 1 sdt vanila bubuk (1 tsp vanilla powder)
- 1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk ==> aku 1 sdt teh kayu manis (aku suka wanginya) (1 tsp cinnamon)
- 1 buah jeruk lemon, ambil airnya dan parut kulitnya (1 pc lemon,  squeeze the lemon and take the juice)

Cara membuat / methode

Kulit (Pie)
- mestinya semua dimasukkan ke food processor, tetapi karena nggak punya, maka sudah pasti menggunakan food processor yang sudah dianugerahkan kepadaku, pakai ujung ujung jari @_@. (mix all the ingredient using your fingertip)
- pertama campurkan tepung dengan gula, lalu remas remas dengan mentega, dan tambahkan air sampai menjadi adonan (first, mix flour and sugar, then add butter and water. Add a little flour or water to make your dough not too sticky or dry)
- bagi adonan menjadi 2 bagian, untuk dasar dan tutup, masukkan ke lemari es selama 1 jam atau semalaman (divide the dough into 2 parts, wrap with plastic and keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour)
- tipiskan adonan lalau masukkan ke dalam loyang pie (ternyata kemarin pieku melorot, ternyata harus ada sisanya di ujung loyang, kira2 selebar 1 - 2 cm (roll the dough and cover the pie pan that is already greased using butter. 
- simpan adonan dalam lemari es selama 30 menit  (keep 30 minutes the dough into refrigerator)
- beri pemberat kacang kacangan, dan oven selama 30 menit di suhu 180C.  (put nuts as ballast and oven for 30 minutes at 180C)

Isi (Apple):

- masak semua bahan dalam panci (put and cook all the ingredients into saucepan)
- aduk aduk hingga berair dan agak kental. Angkat dan dinginkan (stir until slightly thickened)
- tuangkan ke dalam kulit pie (pour into the pie shell)
- gilas pie yang satunya dan tutupkan ke atas pie (roll the other dough and cover the whole pie)
- olesi putih telur dan taburi permukaan pie dengan gula pasir (bast it with egg white and s drizzle surface with sugar)
- panggang 30 menit (aku 40 menit) sampai kuning keemasan  (oven for 40 minutes till golden brown)
- angkat dan biarkan 1 - 2 jam sebelum disajikan (Let it cool down for 1 -2 hours before served)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lemon Cheese Cake

Hmm, lembut, seger, ngeju, tidak eneg, uenak buanget.

Waktu aku bawa ke kantor, banyak yang suka, apalagi Tata di rumah, ini cake pesanan dia.
Dia mau yang manis, seger dan tidak eneg.

Resepnya aku ambil dari buku Sedap.

This cake is really really soft and cheesy.
When I brought it to my office, everybody loved it.


- 130 gr mentega tawar
- 130 tepung terigu protein rendah / mocaf
- 160 gr susu cair
- 200 gr cream cheese lembutkan
- 200 gr kuning telur kocok lepas
- 2 sendok makan sirup jeruk konsentrat
- 400 gr putih telur
- 1/2 sdt teh garam
- 1 sdt cot
- 200 gr gula pasir

- 130 g unsalted butter
- 130 low-protein flour / mocaf
- 160 grams of fresh milk
- 200 g cream cheese soften
- 200 g egg yolks beaten off
- 2 tablespoons orange syrup concentrate
- 400 g egg whites
- 1/2 tsp salt tea
- 1 tsp of cot
- 200 grams sugar

Bahan isi:

- 300 gr non dairy cream, kocok mengembang
- 350 gr jeruk mandarin kaleng

Material contents:
- 300 gr non dairy cream, whipped until risen
- 350 grams of canned mandarin oranges

Cara membuat:

1. Siapkan 2 buah loyang 24x24x4 cm yang dialas kertas roti tanpa dioles
2. Panaskan mentega sampai meleleh, matikan api, tambahkan tepung terigu, aduk sampai kalis, angkat.
3. Panaskan susu cair, tambahkan cream cheese, aduk sampai keju larut. Tuang sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam kuning telur dan aduk rata. tambahkan sirup jeruk , aduk rata. Tuang sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam campuran tepung terigu sambil diaduk sampai licin.
4. Kocok putih telur, garam  dan cot sampai setengah mengembang
5. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit demi sedikit sampai mengembang
6. Masukkan campuran tepung terigu sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam kocokan putih telur sambil diaduk perlahan
7. Tuang ke dalam loyang yang diletakkan di dalam loyang lain yang lebih besar dan diberi sedikit air
8. Baking selama 45 menit dengan suhu 160C
9. Setelah matang, oles dengan whipped cream dan hias dengan jeruk mandarin

How to make:
1. Prepare 2 pieces of  baking pan 24x24x4 cm. Use parchment paper but no need to grease it
2. Heat butter until melted, turn off the heat, add the flour, stir until smooth, remove from heat.
3. Heat the milk, add cream cheese, stir until the cheese has melted. Pour slowly into the egg yolks and mix well. Add the orange syrup and stir well. Pour slowly into the flour mixture, stir until smooth.
4. Beat the egg whites, salt and half the cot until it rises/expands
5. Add sugar gradually until it expands
6. Add the flour mixture gradually into the beaten egg whites, stir gently
7. Pour it into a baking dish, place it inside another larger pan and add a little water
8. Bake for 45 minutes at 160C
9. Once cooked, spread it with whipped cream on top and decorate the cake with mandarin oranges

Devil's Food Cake

Cake Setan ??
Hmm, saking enaknya makanya dinamakan demikian kayaknya.
Apalagi untuk pencinta coklat.
Karena cake ini coklat di mana mana, dari cakenya, olesannya dan biasanya masih disiram ganache cair juga. Karena sudah nggak keburu, karena mau dibawa ke kantor suami , ya sudah hanya dipoles dengan ganache kocok saja.

Resepnya aku ambil dari resep bu FB di NCC

Devil Cake??
I think it's named after the mouthwatering taste of the cake.
Especially for those who are avid fans of chocolate since this cake has chocolate all over it, from the cake itself to the chocolate spread, and usually it is also "showered" with chocolate ganache.

Bahan A:
- 25 kuning telur
- 5 putih telur
- 200 gr gula pasir
- 25 gr emulsifier (optional)

Material A:
- 25 egg yolks
- 5 egg whites
- 200 grams sugar
- 25 gr emulsifier (optional)

Bahan B:

- 125 gr terigu / mocaf
- 50 gr coklat bubuk
- 25 gr maizena
- 1 sdt baking powder

Material B:
- 125 gr flour / mocaf
- 50 grams of cocoa powder
- 25 gr cornstarch
- 1 tsp baking powder

Bahan C:

- 1 sdm pasta coklat BF
- 250 gr mentega cair

Material C:
- 1 tbsp chocolate pasta BF
- 250 gr of melted butter

Cara membuat :

1. Kocok bahan A hingga kental, masukkan bahan B, aduk rata, tuangi bahan C, aduk balik hingga rata
2. Tuang adonan ke dalam 4 buah loyang buat diameter 20 cm, panggang dengan suhu 180 C
3. Setelah matang, angkat dari oven, dinginkan, keluarkan dari loyang

How to make:
1. Whisk ingredients A until thick, pour ingredients B into the mixture, mix well, pour ingredients C, mix well
2. Pour the batter into 4 different pans with 20 cm in diameter, bake at the temperature of 180 C 
3. Once cooked, remove from the oven, let it cool down, remove from the baking pans

Chocolate ganache:

- 600 gr DCC
- 300 gr whip cream kocok kaku
- 125 gr unsalted butter

Chocolate ganache:
- 600 grams of DCC
- 300 grams of whip cream whipped
- 125 gr unsalted butter

Cara membuat :

Tim coklat sampai leleh, masukkan butter campur rata, tuangkan pada whipped cream, kocok hingga tercampur rata

How to make:
Melt the chocolate, add butter then mix well, pour the mixture into the whipped cream, mix well

1. Ambil satu lembar cake , basahi dengan simple syrup, poles dengan chocolate ganache. Timpa satu lembar cake lagi di atasnya, poles seluruh bagian cake dengan coklat ganache
2. Kalau mau, hias dengan siraman ganache cair atau hiasan coklat lainnya
3. 1 resep bisa jadi dua cake dengan masing masing 2 layer

1. Take one layer of the cake, wet the cake with simple syrup, cover it with chocolate ganache. Put another layer on it, cover the entire cake with chocolate ganache
2. If you want to, decorate it with a drizzle of liquid ganache or other chocolate kinds of chocolate garnishes 
3. 1 recipe could make two cakes, each with two layers

Toolbox Cake

This cake is for my  husband's birthday. It is a toolbox complete with its screwdriver, hammer, and pliers.
And below is a "giant greetings bouquet" from our dearest friend. 
Terharu dan malu, guede banget, nutupin rumah he he hehe

Rose Cupcake Bouquet

This is a cupcake bouquet. The cake is cheese choco brownies and the flowers and pot are from fondant.

Laptop Cake / Notebook Cake

My friend is sitting nicely on a laptop :-)  Happy birthday dearest friend!