One of my favourite cakes is chiffon cake. So soft and smooth. Any kind of chiffon cake, chocolate, pandan or cheese.
But this chocolate chiffon cake is very yummy, not only it has beautiful texture, but that special taste, the combination of milk and chocolate, makes chiffon perfect. By far, this is the best chiffon cake I have ever make.
Here is the recipe that I took from Sedap.
- 110 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
- 25 gr coklat bubuk
- 1/4 sdt baking powder
- 80 gr gula pasir
- 90 gr minyak goreng
- 110 ml susu cair
- 5 kuning telur
- 1/4 sendok teh coklat pasta
- 7 putih telur
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 120 gr gula pasir
- 25 gr chocolate chips untuk taburan
- 110 gr flour low protein
- 25 grams of cocoa powder
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 80 grams sugar
- 90 grams of cooking oil
- 110 ml of fresh milk
- 5 egg yolks
- 1/4 teaspoon chocolate paste
- 7 egg whites
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 120 grams sugar
- 25 gr chocolate chips for topping
Cara membuat:
1. ayak tepung, coklat bubuk, dan baking powder. Tambahkan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Sisihkan
2. Campur minyak goreng, susu cair, dan coklat pasta. Aduk rata
3. Tuang ke campuran tepung terigu sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan. Tambahkan kuning telur. Aduk rata. Sisihkan
4. Kocok putih telur, garam sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit sedikit sambil dikocok sampai mengembang
5. Tuang ke dalam campuran tepung terigu sedikit sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan
6. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan chiffon tanpa dioles. Taburkan coklat keping
7. Oven dengan api bawah, 170C selama 55 menit sampai matang
How to make:
1. Sift flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder. Add sugar. Stir well. Set aside.
2. Mix cooking oil, milk, and chocolate pasta, then stir
3. Pour into the flour mixture little by little, stir gently. Add egg yolks. Stir well. Set aside
4. Beat egg whites, salt until half risen. Add sugar little by little and whipped until it rises
5. Pour it into the flour mixture, stir gently bit by bit
6. Pour the batter into the chiffon mold without greasing it. Sprinkle chocolate chips.
7. Oven with bottom fire at 170C for 55 minutes until cooked perfectly
- 110 gr tepung terigu protein rendah
- 25 gr coklat bubuk
- 1/4 sdt baking powder
- 80 gr gula pasir
- 90 gr minyak goreng
- 110 ml susu cair
- 5 kuning telur
- 1/4 sendok teh coklat pasta
- 7 putih telur
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 120 gr gula pasir
- 25 gr chocolate chips untuk taburan
- 110 gr flour low protein
- 25 grams of cocoa powder
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 80 grams sugar
- 90 grams of cooking oil
- 110 ml of fresh milk
- 5 egg yolks
- 1/4 teaspoon chocolate paste
- 7 egg whites
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 120 grams sugar
- 25 gr chocolate chips for topping
Cara membuat:
1. ayak tepung, coklat bubuk, dan baking powder. Tambahkan gula pasir. Aduk rata. Sisihkan
2. Campur minyak goreng, susu cair, dan coklat pasta. Aduk rata
3. Tuang ke campuran tepung terigu sedikit-sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan. Tambahkan kuning telur. Aduk rata. Sisihkan
4. Kocok putih telur, garam sampai setengah mengembang. Tambahkan gula pasir sedikit sedikit sambil dikocok sampai mengembang
5. Tuang ke dalam campuran tepung terigu sedikit sedikit sambil diaduk perlahan
6. Tuang adonan ke dalam cetakan chiffon tanpa dioles. Taburkan coklat keping
7. Oven dengan api bawah, 170C selama 55 menit sampai matang
How to make:
1. Sift flour, cocoa powder, and baking powder. Add sugar. Stir well. Set aside.
2. Mix cooking oil, milk, and chocolate pasta, then stir
3. Pour into the flour mixture little by little, stir gently. Add egg yolks. Stir well. Set aside
4. Beat egg whites, salt until half risen. Add sugar little by little and whipped until it rises
5. Pour it into the flour mixture, stir gently bit by bit
6. Pour the batter into the chiffon mold without greasing it. Sprinkle chocolate chips.
7. Oven with bottom fire at 170C for 55 minutes until cooked perfectly