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Monday, November 18, 2013

Bread Pudding

It was raining yesterday afternoon and as usual, my kids are always starving.
I only had 5 pieces white bread and a can of milk.

After googling, I found this recipe.

The steps are simple and easy so everyone could make it.
It;s very yummy especially when it is served warm.

It tastes savory, sweet and sour because it contains milk, raisins, almonds, cinnamon and pineapple.

Hujan sore-sore, dan seperti biasa selalu ada perut yang keroncongan :-).
Longok longok, punya separuh roti tawar dan ada susu, jadilah searching di google.
Dapatlah resep bread puding.

Stepnya sangat sederhana dan mudah.
Dan rasanya enak, campuran gurih susu, asam dari kismis, gurihnya almond, dan manisnya nenas. Juga wangi karena ada kayu manisnya.

Hayok kita lihat resepnya. Oh ya aslinya resepnya aku ambil dari sini.

Here is the reciipe:

- 10 pieces of white bread
- 300 ml milk
- 100 g sugar
- 1 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 pineapple, peeled, cleaned, cut into small triangles
- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
- 50 g of almonds
- 75 g raisins

Egg mixture (stir)
- 500 ml milk
- 3 eggs, beaten
- ¼ tsp salt

- 10 lembar roti tawar
- 300 ml susu cair
- 100 g gula pasir
- 1 sdt kayu manis bubuk
- 1 buah nanas, kupas, bersihkan, potong bentuk segitiga kecil
- 3 sdt mentega tawar
- 50 g kacang almond
- 75 g kismis

Adonan telur, aduk rata:
- 500 ml susu cair
- 3 butir telur ayam, kocok lepas
- ¼ sdt garam

How to Make:
- Prepare 2 pieces of square-shaped heat-resistant container @ 750 ml volume, spread with margarine. Set aside
- Dip the bread into the fresh milk
- Arrange 5 pieces of bread in the bottom of the dish to cover the entire container
- Sprinkle sugar, cinnamon, and pineapple evenly
- Cover with the rest of the bread. Sprinkle almonds and raisins
- Pour the egg mixture above it. Let it be absorbed.
- Bake in a hot oven temperature of 180 º C for 40 minutes, until cooked then remove from heat.
- Serve while it's hot

Cara Membuat:
- Siapkan 2 buah pinggan tahan panas bentuk persegi volume @750 ml, olesi dengan margarin hingga rata. Sisihkan
- Celupkan roti tawar ke dalam susu cair
- Susun 5 lembar roti di dasar pinggan hingga menutup seluruh dasar pinggan
- Taburi gula pasir, kayu manis, dan nanas hingga rata di atasnya
- Tutup dengan sisa roti tawar lainnya. Taburi kacang almond dan kismis
- Siram adonan telur di atasnya.Biarkan hingga terserap
- Panggang dalam oven panas bersuhu 180º C selama 40 menit hingga matang, angkat
- Sajikan panas. 

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