
 Cake with Icing Sugar  Barbie Cake & Hello Kitty  Cheese Cake & African Gateu  Baby Cupcake, Christmas Cupcake & Cupcake Bouqette  Chiffon Pandan & Cheese Brownies  Cheese Button, Biscotti, Icing Sugar Cookies Apple Pie, Chocolate Cheese Pie & Blueberry Cheese Pie Cinnamon Bread & Pizza Kue Ku, Bakpia, Onde Onde Danish Pastry, Apple Struddle, Roomhorn Orange Wedding Cake Lapis Legit, Lapis Surabaya, Brownies Kukus

Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Little Brother Lace Wedding Cake

18 May 2014, was my little brother's wedding day.
I made this wedding cake for him.
It was really happy since my father could witness the wedding.

This cake is 75 cm in height, with purple as the main colour and the character of Javanese bride as the decoration.
It took me two weeks to finish this cake since I could only work on this cake after I got home from the office.

These two Javanese wedding character was made a month before the wedding to make sure it would be set on the wedding day, since I had to bring it from Jakarta to Jogja.

The gold colour was painted using a small brush.

Below, I combined flower pattern and icing sugar to make the lace texture.

For the bottom lace, I made it using mold, also the birds and the ribbons.
Other than that, including the layer, I made it myself.

The bottom lace, I made it using icing sugar. By using a brush, I drew the flower and made the lace effect. 

I was so happy to finish this cake.

Martabak Bolu Mini

Seneng rasanya menemukan resep ini di sini
Sekarang aku bisa membuatnya sendiri kalau tidak sempat keluar.
Lebih praktis, karena ukurannya sudah personal.

Aku beberapa saat lalu membuat beberapa resep untuk suguhan saat adikku menikah.
Pagi pagi mesti dirias, jadi buat sarapan para pager ayu dan penerima tamu.
Selain martabak mini, saat itu aku juga membuat poffertjies.
He he, pulang pulang dari gedung resepsi aku lihat sudah tandas ... piringnya kosong ... berarti mereka suka ... asyik.

Felt so happy to find this recipe here 
Now I can make it myself, especially when we don't have time to go out.
Martabak is a street food in Indonesia. It's pretty expensive considering it's a street food, but it comes in huge portion and the ingredients itself are also expensive.

Ini dia resepnya.

Bahan :

- 250 gr terigu serbaguna (segitiga biru)
- 50 gr gula pasir
- 1/4 sdt baking powder
- 1/4 sdt garam
- 300 cc susu cair
- 3 butir telur
- 30 gr gula 
- 1/2 sdt fermipan/ragi instan
- 1/4 sdt baking powder
- 50 gr mentega dicairkan

Taburan di atas :
- butter
- gula pasir
- susu kental manis
- keju parut
- cokelat meises


- 250 gr all-purpose flour (segitiga biru)
- 50 grams sugar 
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 
- 1/4 tsp salt 
- 300 cc of liquid milk 
- 3 eggs 
- 30 g sugar 
- 1/2 tsp fermipan / instant yeast 
- 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 
- 50 g butter, melted 

Sprinkles on top: 
- Butter 
- Sugar 
- Sweetened condensed milk 
- Grated cheese 
- Chocolate sprinkles

Cara membuat :

1. Campur jadi satu terigu, gula, baking powder, dan garam.
2. Masukkan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk dengan whikser.
3. Setelah tercampur rata masukkan fermipan dan istirahatkan selama 30 menit.
4. Di tempat lain kocok telur dan gula (kocok lepas aja pakai garpu) kemudian masukkan ke dalam adonan yg sudah di istirahatkan selama 30 menit.
5. Terakhir masukkan mentega cair dan baking powder.
6. Panaskan cetakan, ambil 1 sendok sayur cetakan, biarkan sampai adonan mengembang dan berlubang, taburi dengan gula kemudian tutup hingga matang.
7. Angkat martabak dari cetakan dan beri olesan butter, kemudian beri susu kental manis dan keju atau meises atau topping sesuai selera sebagai taburan. 

How to make: 

1. Mix together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. 
2. Add milk gradually while stirring using whisker. 
3. After it's blended well, put in the fermipan  and let the dough rests for 30 minutes. 
4. In another bowl,  whisk  eggs and sugar (it is okay to use forks)
5. Put  it into the batter which was put aside for 30 minutes
6. Pour the melted butter and baking powder. 
7. Preheat the mold, take 1 tablespoon of vegetable mold, let it run until the dough expands and have little holes
8. Sprinkle with sugar and then wait until cooked. 
9. Take out the martabak from the mold and spread butter, also spread the surface with sweetened condensed milk and then put cheese or chocolate sprinkles as topping.

Pilot Cake

It was exciting when I received this order, I see it as a way of refreshing. Just like a kid who enjoys playing dough and colouring, I really enjoyed the whole process of making this cake.

The cake is lapis surabaya layered cake with chocolate buttercream.

Roti Pisang / Banana Bread

Sepertinya harus lap lap dulu, nyapu lantai dan ngepel, terbayang kalau rumah 3 bulan tidak dikunjungi.

Setelah sibuk dengan pernikahan adik bungsu, pemilu Presiden (he he he nggak ada hubungannya ya), sekarang siap siap nulis lagi. 

Sembari berdoa semoga Indonesia diberi kedamaian, dalam episode menunggu 22 Juli 2014 pengumuman KPU serasa lama sekali. 
Dan berdoa juga untuk Palestina, semoga kedamaian juga diberikan untuk saudara saudara di sana.

Balik ke topik :-), dari dulu roti pisang adalah favoritku. Mau pisang coklat, mau pisang keju, mau pisang saja, hmm semua suka.
Yang penting adalah rotinya, rotinya mesti empuk dan halus seratnya.
Ada yang sharing resep di bawah dan hasilnya benar benar seperti roti yang aku mau, harum baunya setelah keluar dari oven, empuk mesti sudah 2 hari dan yang pasti tanpa pengawet.

After being busy with my youngest brother wedding, the election of President (he he he it actually has nothing to do with anything), now I am ready to write again. 

While praying for Indonesia, that peace will always be given to my country, especially regarding the result of election of our president and also praying for the Palestinians.

Back to the topic, first, banana bread is always my favorite. Either chocolate banana, banana with cheese, original banana, all are my favorite as long as the bread is soft, moist and have smooth texture.

My friend just shared the recipe below and the result is really like the banana bread that I expected. It stayed soft even after two days.

Bahan Adonan (A)
1. Tepung protein tinggi - 900 gr
2. Tepung protein sedang - 100 gr
3.  Susu bubuk - 75 gr
4.  Gula pasir - 225 gr
5.  Susu UHT - 100 gr
6.  Telur utuh - 100 gr (2 butir)
7.  Kuning telur - 40 gr (2 butir)
8.  Ragi instan - 15 gr
9.  Bread improofer - 5 gr (optional)

Bahan (B)
1.  Garam - 13 gr
2.  Butter - 125 gr
3.  Crumb softener - 20 gr

Bahan (D)
1.  Air es -   +/- 400 gr

Cara membuat:
- Aduk semua bahan A hingga tercampur rata dengan kecepatan rendah asal tercampur saja, lalu diamkan 1 jam
- Aduk bahan B hingga tercampur, lalu masukkan bahan A, aduk hingga menggumpal, naikkan kecepatan mixer aduk hingga setengah kalis
- Masukkan butter, crumb softener dan garam dengan kecepatan rendah, aduk sampai kalis
- Angkat dan fermentasikan 10 menit sebelum ditimbang

Dough Ingredients (A) 
1. High protein flour - 900 gr 
2. Medium protein flour - 100 gr 
3. Milk Powder - 75 gr 
4. Granulated sugar - 225 gr 
5. UHT milk - 100 gr 
6. Eggs - 100 gr (2 eggs) 
7. Egg yolks - 40 g (2 eggs yolks) 
8. Instant Yeast - 15 g 
9. Improofer Bread - 5 g (optional) 

Ingredients (B) 
1. Salts - 13 gr 
2. Butter - 125 gr 
3. Crumb softener - 20 gr (optional)

Ingredients (D) 
1. Ice Water -    +/- 400 gr 

How to make: 
- Stir all ingredients A  until well blended at low speed  and let stand 1 hour 
- Stir all ingredients B until well blended and enter the ingredients A, stir until the dough clot. Increase mixer speed and stir untill the dough smooth.
- Enter butter,  salt and crumb softener with low speed, mix until smooth 
- Lift and fermented 10 minutes before weighed

- Bread impover supaya roti lembut, mengokohkan dan membuat permukaan roti halus
- Mixer tidak boleh terlalu cepat karena nanti adonan menjadi panas
- Air es supaya mengurangi panas gesekan
- Setelah masuk butter tidak boleh masuk air lagi
- Untuk menambah aroma bisa menggunakan essence butter susu, untuk 1 resep 1/2 sdm
- Proses proving, cukup 1,5 x bentuk awal, tetapi jika ada toping berat, cukup 80% bentuk awal
- Polesan susu : telur = 1 : 1
- Untuk membuat topping lebh baik menggunakan margarine
- Isi roti kopi 10 gr per roti
- Topping : putih telur soft peak, baru dicampur dengan bahan laiinya
- Dengan toping spt pizza suhu 180C selama 15 menit, kalau hanya topping keju, 10 menit
- Topping polo:
200 gr margarine, 125 gr tepung gula, 2 butir telur utuh, 60 gr susu bubuk, 225 gr tepung protein sedang.