We searched for the recipe and finally found a recipe that was discussed earlier in NCC group.
Although he failed during the first trial, but finally he made it. He made a nice fluffy pancake.
We liked it and today, pancake has become one of our favourite breakfast menus.
Here is him in action with his friend and below is the recipe they used.
Unfortunately, since they were in a hurry, I could not take a picture of their pancake.
Sumber / Source : Majalah Santap
Bahan-bahan / Ingredients:
Dalam mangkuk campur / in a bowl mix using whisk:
250 ml buttermilk (250 ml buttermilk)
165 gr tepung terigu serbaguna (165 gr mocaf / flour)
2 sdm gula pasir (2 tbsp castor sugar)
2 sdt baking powder (2 tsp baking powder)
1/4 sdt garam (1/4 tsp salt)
Tambahkan / add :
2 sdm mentega cair (2 tbsp melting butter)
1 btr telur, kocok lepas (1 egg)
Petunjuk / Method :
- Campurkan bahan2 dlm mangkuk sambil diaduk dng whisk sampai tercampur rata. (In a bowl, mix all ingredients using whisk)
- Tuang mentega dan telur kedalam adonan, aduk rata, diamkan selama 15 menit sebelum dimasak. (Pour butter and egg into the batter and mix it. Put aside for 15 minutes)
- Panaskan wajan teflon kecil, olesi sedikit mentega, tuang adonan kira2 1~2 sendok sayur. (Heat non sticky pan, put a little butter, and pour 1 - 2 scoop of the batter)
- Biarkan pancake sampai mengeluarkan gelembung2 kecil dan permukaannya kering (Wait till pancake has small bubbles and the surface looks dry)
- Balik dan masak sampai kecoklatan , angkat.(Flip the pancake and wait until it's quite brownish, the pancake is ready to be served)
- Pancake bisa disajikan dengan :
* syrup maple/syrup strawberry / syrup coklat / madu
* Tambahkan potongan buah segar, seperti strawberry, kiwi atau buah kalengan
* Beberapa scoope ice cream
* Ditaburi gula bubuk atau keju parut aja juga oke
Tips / Tips :
- Bila buttermilk sukar diperoleh, coba buat sendiri dengan bahan berikut (buttermilk could be substituted with):
* 250 ml susu cair (250 milk)
* 1/2 sdm vinegar (cuka makan) (1/2 tbsp vinegar)
diamkan selama 10 menit sampai susu menggumpal (wait for 10 minutes to have coagulated milk)
- Jika pancake kurang tebal, tambahkan 1-2 sdm tepung terigu. (if the pancake is too thin, add 1 - 2 tbsp of flour)
- Jika terlalu tebal, tambahkan 1-2 sdm susu/ air. (if pancake to thick, add 1 - 2 tbsp of milk / water)