Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Mocaf Chocolate Roll Cake
I once read an article on how brown sugar has lower glicemic acid compared to white sugar. Lower glicemic acid means that the sugar has lower chances of being absorbed by our blood. It is a healthier alternative to white sugar. So, I applied it on my previous roll cake recipe, which I took from NCC Indonesia.
Making a roll cake is not as difficult as you think.
As long as the surface is dry enough and, usually I use towel instead of roll paper, roll up cake and towel together, starting with the narrow end. Cool on a wire rack before filling it in with buttercream or cheese frosting.
Speculass Mocaf Cookies
Speculass is a traditional Dutch cookie. It is usually served during Christmas.
The spices used in speculass are cinnamon, ginger and sometimes, white pepper. Brown sugar make this cookie tastier. The tempting smell of cinnamon would fill the whole kitchen right after you bake the cookies.
Using Fatmah Bahalwan's recipe, the texture of these cookies are crispy. Place the dough overnight to let the spices mix well with the dough and the cookies will have a stronger taste.
Cheese Button Mocaf Cookies
Cheese button is one of my kids' favourite cookies.
The combination between cheese and sugar makes one bite never enough. Sweetness and saltiness mixed in one cookie.
I used the recipe that belongs to Femmy Jacobs.
This cookie is quite fragile, so icing sugar is the key to make it stronger.
No need to hesitate to substitute flour with mocaf. Nothing changes in terms of taste, and appearance.
The combination between cheese and sugar makes one bite never enough. Sweetness and saltiness mixed in one cookie.
I used the recipe that belongs to Femmy Jacobs.
This cookie is quite fragile, so icing sugar is the key to make it stronger.
No need to hesitate to substitute flour with mocaf. Nothing changes in terms of taste, and appearance.
Poffertjes Mocaf
Ketika hawa dingin, ingin punya teman untuk teh manis panas, maka poffertjies adalah salah satu alternatifnya.
Setelah browsing akhirnya aku ambil resep dari blog mom's kitchen.
Mohon ijinnya untuk copy.
- 250 ml susu cair
- 40 gr gula halus
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 1 sdt ragi instant
- 2 butir telur - kocok dengan whisk
- 60 gr butter - lelehkan
- Aduk bahan kering jadi satu
- Tuangkan susu sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk rata dengan whisk
- Tambahkan telur kocok, aduk lagi sampai rata
- Diamkan kurang lebih 45 menit - 1 jam di tempat gelap dan hangat
- Masukkan mentega cair dan aduk sampai rata
- Olesi loyang poffertjes dengan mentega dan panaskan dengan api besar
- JIka sudah panas, kecilkan api hingga api lilin dna mulai tuang adonan
- Jika pinggirnya sudah kelihatan kering, cungkil dan tusuk sate dan balik
- Tunggu hingga kunig keemasan dan matang, angkat
- Hidangkan dengan gula halus atau 1 scope ice cream
Untung masih bisa difoto sebelum licin tandas ^-^
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