Sunday, February 22, 2015
Indonesian Batik Roll Cake - Batik Pesisir - Coastal Batik
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Pesisir Batik (Coastal Batik)
Pesisir batik is created and produced by several areas on the northern coast of Java and on Madura. As a consequence of maritime trading, the Pesisir batik tradition was more open to foreign influences in textile design, coloring, and motifs, in contrast to inland batik, which was relatively independent of outside influences. For example, Pesisir batik utilizes vivid colors and Chinese motifs such as clouds, phoenix, dragon, qilin, lotus, peony, and floral patterns.
- Pekalongan Batik. The most famous Pesisir Batik production area is the town of Pekalongan in Central Java province. Compared to other pesisir batik production centers, the batik production houses in this town is the most thriving. Batik Pekalongan was influenced by both Dutch-European and Chinese motifs, for example the buketan motifs was influenced by European flower bouquet.
- Cirebon Batik. Also known as Trusmi Batik because that is the primary production area. The most well known Cirebon batik motif is megamendung (rain cloud) that was used in the former Cirebon Kraton. This cloud motif shows Chinese influence.
- Lasem Batik. Lasem batik is characterized by a bright red color called abang getih pithik (chicken blood red). Batik Lasem is heavily influenced by Chinese culture.
- Tuban Batik. Batik gedog is the speciality of Tuban Batik, the batik was created from handmade tenun (woven) fabrics.
- Madura Batik. Madurese Batik displays vibrant colors, such as yellow, red, and green. Madura unique motifs for example pucuk tombak (spear tips), also various flora and fauna images.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Pisang Molen - Indonesian Pastry
Setelah beberapa lama tidak bisa bersantai di dapur, akhirnya hari ini bisa mencoba resep baru.
Rasanya melegakan, bisa melakukan lagi yang aku duka
Sudah beberapa saat penasaran dengan resep pisang molen, puff pastry asli Indonesia.
Sepertinya rumit, tetapi di resep ini ternyata tidak.
Resepnya aku ambil dari sini. Resepnya adalah miki Ariesta Mikdar Gunawan. Terimakasih sudah berbagi.
Bahan kulit A:
- 100 gr tepung terigu all purpose
- 1 sdm minyak goreng
- 80 gr margarin
Bahan kulit B
- 300 gr tepung terigu all purpose
- 50 gr gula halus / gula kastor
- 100 gr margarin
- 100 ml air dingin dari kulkas
- 1/4 sdt daram halus
- 1/4 sdt vanili bubuk
Bahan isi
- 10 buah pisang raja / tanduk yang manis, kukus, potong melintang 4 cm
- 100 gr keju cheddar potong 20 buah
- 50 gr coklat beras / messes
Bahan olesan
- 1 butir telur kuning
- 1 sdm mentega cair
Cara membuat:
1. Adonan kulit A : campur semua bahan sampai rata, bagi 20, bulatkan
2. Adonan kulit B : campur semua bahan, uleni kalis dan bagi 20, bulatkan
3. Ambil 1 adonan B, gilas segiempat agak tipis, dan letakkan 1 adonan A di atasnya, lipat seperti amplop sampai adonan A tertutup, rapikan menjadi bulat kembali. Ulangi untuk 20 adonan.
4. Ambil 1 adonan (gabungan A dan B), tipiskan lagi menjadi persegi panjang, gulung dari sisi yang pendek, gilas tipis lagi dan ulang hingga 3 kali. Kerjakan untuk semua bulatan
5. Setelah selesai istirahatkan 30 menit
6. Panaskan oven suhu 180C dan oles loyang dengan margarin, beri kertas dan poles margarin lagi
7. Ambil 1 gulungan adonan, gilas tipis menjadi segiempat sama sisi, taruh pisang, messes, dan keju. Lipat seperti amplop, kerjakan sampai habis.
8. Olesi permukaan dengan kuning telur
9. Panggang sekitar 60 menit , setelah matang, olesi dengan margarin cair tipis
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Indonesian Batik Roll Cake (Parang - Javanese Style)
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Refer to this link .
Parang rusak or in English literally defective big knife, is a traditional batik pattern from Special district of Yogyakarta. It is visualized as many defective parang (big knife) with diagonally format Indonesian batik patterns and designs, which refers to the attitude of the human perspective on the environmental landscape and life, expressed in forms stellar. Like plants, mountains, animals, rice fields, rivers, seas and icons of other ancient life. Believed, every pattern and designs that were created through behavior creator.
This design was created by Sultan Agung of Mataram (1613-1645) after a meditation on the South coast of Java. That said, inspiration comes from the phenomenon of large waves that break up rock and ruin. In the Java language, the term with a machete near the reef. Parang broken means broken or damaged reefs.

A. Parang barong tumaruntum
B. Parang gendreh, barong size 8 cm.
C. Parang klitik, barong size 4 cm
D. Parang klitik melik, barong size 2-3 cm

Uceng = the mouth of the bird as fire tongue. The leader’s tongue as a fire which can burn a lot of ppl.
Mustika= head
Tuding= hand. The leader’s hand can destroy ppl
Badan= body. The leader’s body which must be strong and healthy.
Sayap= wing. That means leader must be mobile and active
Intan= diamond and Ombak= wave. That means the leader works as on the wave, but when he does well, he’ll get diamond.

Batik Parang Rusak
The soldiers used this batik motif after the war to show to The King that they won.

Batik Parang Klitik, is the soft version of parang rusak batik which usually used by the Queen and the Princess
Batik Parang Curigo, curigo means suspicious. But anyway, it is usually used by the women to show their loyalty to their husbands
Parang rusak barong is special motif which just only the king and royal family. Ordinary people are not allowed to use parang rusak batik motif.
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