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Monday, September 9, 2013

Cream Cheese Chocolate Pie

Chocolate dan Cream Cheese dalam pie coklat. Hmm .... baru bayangin saja sudah pasti enak.
Lha kok ya pas ada event Chocolate Weeks di NCC, jadi tambah semangat bongkar bongkar resep yang sudah dibookmark.

Resep pie-nya saya intip dari blog mbak Hesti. . Sedang untuk fillingnya aku ambil dari buku / majalah Sedap.

Toppingnya ada yang dengan strawbery, choco chips, & whipped cream

Chocolate and cream cheese in a chocolate pie. Hmm....  even when you imagine it, it would be a wonderful combination.
I took pie recipe from Ms. Hesti's blog.. But  for the filling I took it from the book / magazine Sedap.

For the topping I used strawberries, chocolate chips, and whipped cream

Bahan Pie:
185 gr tepung terigu
25 gr coklat bubuk
55 gr gula icing
2 butir kuning telur
150 gr mentega dingin cincang kasar
1 sdt air dingin

Pie Ingredients:
185 gr flour
25g cocoa powder
55 gr icing sugar
2 egg yolks
150 g cold butter chopped
1 tsp cold water

Bahan filling
350 gr cream cheese
50 gr gula tepung
75 gr DCC lelehkan
2 butir telur ayam
1 sdm maizena

350 grams of cream cheese
50 grams of sugar flour
75 gr melted DCC
2 chicken eggs
1 tablespoon cornstarch

Cara membuat chocolate pie
1. Campur tepung, bubuk coklat, dan gulla
2. Cengan tangan campur dengan mentega (di resep aslinya dengan FP, tetapi aku tidak punya grin )
3. Masukkan kuning telur dan air, campur lagi hingga menggumpal.
4. Uleni adonan dengan lembut
5. Tutup dengan plastik, dan simpan di kulkas selama 30 menit
6. Panaskan oven dengan suhu moderate (aku 170C)
7. Giling adonan pastry dan letakkan di loyang yang sudah dioles mentega sampai sisi sisinya
8. Dinginkan lagi di kulkas selama 30 menit
9. Tutup pastry dengan baking paper, isi dengan beras, panggang selama 15 menit
10. Keluarkan kertas dan beras, panggang lagi selama 10 menit
11. Dinginkan

How to make chocolate pie
1. Mix the flour, cocoa powder, and sugar
2. Using hand, mix it with butter (in the original recipe, it is with FP, but I did not have a grin)
3. Pour the egg yolk and water, mix again until blended
4. Knead dough gently
5. Cover with plastic, and store in the refrigerator for 30 minutes
6. Preheat the oven to moderate temperature (I 170C)
7. Mill the pastry dough and place it on a baking sheet that has been buttered up the sides
8. Let it chill again in the fridge for 30 minutes
9. Cover the pastry with baking paper, fill with rice, bake for 15 minutes
10. Remove the paper and rice, bake again for 10 minutes

Cara membuat filling
1. Kocok cream cheese dan gula tepung asal lembut
2. Masukkan dark cooking chocolate leleh, kocok rata
3. Masukkan telur, kocok rata
4. Masukkan tepung maizena, kocok lagi
5. Tuang di atas alas
6. Oven dengan suhu 160C selama 45 menit
6. Dinginkan 3 jam di kulkas

How to make cheese filling
1. Beat cream cheese and powdered sugar until soft 
2. Put in the melting dark cooking chocolate, mix well
3. Add the eggs, beat well
4. Enter the cornstarch, mix it again
5. Pour it on the pie
6. Oven with a temperature of 160C for 45 minutes
6. Refrigerate it for 3 hours

- whipped cream kocok dan ditaburi coklat bubuk
- strawberry dan irisan coklat
- chocolate chips

- Whipped cream and drizzle the cocoa powder
- Strawberry and chocolate slice
- Chocolate chips

Resep ini saya posting juga di dalam rangka NCC Chocolate Week :

I also posted this recipe on participating in NCC Chocolate Week

 photo Badge250x250NCCJPG_zps3f8f3e3e.jpg

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